We thoroughly enjoyed this review showcasing the work of one of phuket’s best chefs, Belinda Tuckwell. Restaurant review that will surely make you hungry and ready to try one of Phuket’s top restaurants. It comes highly recommended.
With this great setting, we recommend that you arrive in time to see the sunset and of course, enjoy a cocktail. Then we got started.
A tasty way to start and the contrast between the sorbet and the gazpacho was interesting
Artichokes are a great dish to let chefs experiment and this gave us a good chance to see Belinda experiment.
Foe gras is a dish that Belinda masters perfectly and if you like this item, try it here.
This Tiger prawn dish combined Italian and Thai flavors nicely.
The Australian lamb surely made Belinda happy and a happy chef makes us happy dinners.
In conclusion, we can highly recommend the Plantation restaurant at the Pavilions resort to all our readers and viewers. Go eat with Belinda.
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