AZIAMENDI - Top restaurant in Phuket review

By | 11:51 Leave a Comment

This month, we have been getting requests from several readers that we discuss venues with different types of food, more menus that are unusual or at least, unique for Phuket. New restaurants there continue to open and close so there is a need to stay on top of the options at the top end of the market. As always, the hope is that you, the reader, will find some common ground with our opinions which will help you find some value in these reviews. Aziamendi is not your average restaurant. Instead, it is one of those places that you read about, the kind of place that falls into the Ferran Adria space of being difficult to review. When critics review places and fawn over it over and over, at some point, no one wants to hear any more. As humans, we seemed more wired to discuss the negative.
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